Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The new world

The 1984 of climate change took place over the 20 year span of one generation. It all began during the pandemic of 2020 when people were forced to get vaccinated and wear masks and social distance. The seriousness of the problem was brought home in a big way when in the year 20XX the coastal areas began to flood and millions of homes and businesses were destroyed. The danger was further emphasized when the best selling book, Silent Spring Part 2, was published the following year. The first big step was to eliminate internal combustion engines. This included transportation, recreational vehicles and lawn care equipment which would all be electric. The airline industry would be limited to small battery powered aircraft and all electric power would be generated by nuclear power plants. Single family residences would be replaced with high rise energy efficient windowless condos. They would be one, two or three bedroom as all families would be limited to two children. Leisure time and vacations would be close to home in local parks. Many would work from home and only mass transportation was allowed into the cities. Schools would replace sports with intramural teams where everyone participated and no wasted fuel going to other schools. No need to compete since exercise is the goal. All meat products would be removed from the food supply and replaced with fruits, vegetables and whole grains with meat substitutes like tofu. The defense budget would be slashed by 90% and that money diverted to various social programs like universal heath care, free college education and proper housing to help with the transition to the new society. The national defense would be maintained using cyberwarfare tactics backed up with the threat of nuclear retaliation. It is a real attention getter knowing that an ICBM tipped with a dozen megaton hydrogen bombs is only 15 minutes from your neighborhood. Clothing would be standardized much like things in Mao's China when everyone wore gray polyester suits and one style of shoe in different sizes. Beauty aids would be limited to deodorant soaps and detergents for cleaning. Wages would be kept in a narrow range allowing for some diversity but keeping equity in mind. Corporate farming along with removing lawns will allow the water table to rise and with clean air and abundant clean water a warm fuzzy feeling will fill the hearts of everyone. The healthy diet and low stress life styles will minimize sickness and promote longevity. As world temperatures began to decline and the arctic ice returns causing oceans to recede a slow movement back to less restrictive life styles would be undertaken although many feel that by that time the new ways would be preferred.

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