Monday, August 16, 2021

Big companies

Back in the post war years big corporations were the providers of good paying jobs with good benefits. Big business was Americas way forward. Quotes like, as GM goes so goes the nation and whats good for General Motors is good for the country, were used to illustrate how big business helps the country. As the 60's came along some of the shine on big corporations was worn off and profits often times created problems like pollution and infighting with unions. This was followed with various scandals regarding accounting and sending jobs overseas. In an attempt to clean up the image companies used the slogan, doing well by doing good. Companies turned over a new leaf saying that just as good quality makes for good production that concern for the environment improves profits. This then took a turn for the worse about 5 years ago and companies began to use virtue signaling to distract from questionable business practices. Seminars are set up to instruct managers on harassment. Donations are given to Black universities. Support is given to leadership, historic preservation and overall community service. This kind of activity is now being used to cover up other unscrupulous actions. A company may be a leader in the fight for equal rights for minorities and at the same time manufacture many of their products in countries that use child or slave labor. The idea is to say look over here not over there.

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