Sunday, August 8, 2021

Saudi documents

After 9/11 there was an investigation as to what happened but the information was not revealed to the public. Bush 43, Obama and Trump all kept the info secret. Biden promised during the campaign to release the documents but now he is hedging. When information is not forthcoming it opens the door to speculation. One prominent conspiracy theory is gaining credibility. It says that the leaders in Saudi Arabia knew in advance of the attack and provided resources to help carry out the attack. If and it is a big if, this turns out to be true many would consider that an act of war. The pressure would build for the US to take action against the Saudis. The US could blockade Saudi Arabia and prevent them from selling oil which could bring their country down since oil provides half of their GDP and 70% of their exports. This would cause the price of oil to sky rocket almost overnight and other oil producing countries would benefit from the higher prices. Countries that would benefit the most are the United States and Russia. Countries around the world would look to coal to substitute for oil and this would exacerbate the climate change problem.

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