Thursday, August 26, 2021


With the invention of the microscope came the uncomfortable realization that we are covered with small unseen and most say ugly creatures, from the small dust mites to the smaller microbs. With the pandemic comes the understanding that in ordinary conversation we are spraying others with small droplets of spittle. These are flying into the eyes, nose and mouth of those standing nearby. In a room full of people these droplets are caught up in the air and are circulated by the air handling systems causing everyone in the room to share the spittle of every one else. This has always been the case but only because of Covid we now know about this transfer of body fluids. Will people now change their whole way of socializing or will we realize that life goes on. Will people wear mask where ever they go or return to the old ways of just sharing droplets. The new Covid delta type will soon be followed by the S type and the L type. The mask that most wear are only partially effective and the way most wear them even less effective. Some who paid a few dollars for a mask wear the same everyday for weeks on end most never bothering to wash them. Is this helping or hurting.

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