Wednesday, August 18, 2021


The Biden administrations spoke person says that the Taliban will have to behave in a civilized manner if they hope to gain the respect of the international community. This is the group that subjugates women, throws gay men off of tall buildings, beheads reporters and executes surrendering troops. They don't seem to be that concerned about what other countries think. Much of the news about the future of Afghanistan is about how women will be treated and this involves some terrible things but the everyday things are worth considering. Using Iran after the fall of the Shah can give some insight. Starting with the dress code which means to basically cover the body, head and face. A man could divorce his wife with a letter. Child custody goes to the father. Men can marry up to four wives. Men can stop their wives from going out in public. These kinds of things will not get much publicity and most of the world will not be aware of what is going on.

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