Monday, August 9, 2021

Afghanistan today

For most Americans the story of Afghanistan began when the US supplied them with weapons they used to force the Russians out of their country. Arabs from various countries helped with men and money and a group known as the Mujahideen was able to throw out the communist government and later when the US invaded Afghanistan this group helped to get rid of any remaining remnants of the old Soviet groups. At this point the US could have left and saved the lives of 2,300 US soldiers along with $2.3 trillion dollars. They stayed because the Mujahideen tribes were infighting and the US feared the Taliban would take over. After all these years the US is now leaving and their long time fear of the Taliban taking over has come to fruition. Presidents Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden all wanted out but the military experts predicted disaster so the US stayed. Biden decided to pull out and now the world is awaiting the long predicted disaster. The Taliban will now dispose of all those who opposed them and will replace the existing government and install Sharia Law which means denying women equal rights starting with closing all girls schools. If they successfully keep the news people out of the country the enforcement of these new laws will take place in darkness and the whole sad episode will be forgotten.

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