Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Good guy Biden

Hilary was the darling of the left when she ran against Trump but overtime she lost her glitter and after losing the election seemed to act like a poor loser and many changed their opinion of her. She faded fast and today is not considered presidential material. Kamala Harris opened her campaign for president with rousing speech in front of a large crowd in Oakland. She became the darling of the press and was on her way but stopped short and dropped out of the race receiving only a 2% approval. She was selected as Biden's VP based on the fact that she was a female even though she called Biden a racist during the debates. She has since been exposed as someone who lacks leadership skills and seems uncomfortable on TV. Joe Biden was elected not because democrats saw him as a strong leader but because he seemed to have the best chance to beat Trump. They didn't vote for Joe in as much as they voted against Trump. Joe has become the president that democrats feared. He seems unable to deal with the responsibilities of the job. The emails on Hunters laptop reveal that Hunter and his friends talked about Joe's dementia and now many in the press are questioning his cognitive abilities. His main strength is his good guy image. The contrast with Trump is stunning. With Trump what you see is what you get and what you see depends on what you are looking for.

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