Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Hunter and Ukraine

The Hunter Biden laptop is in the news again. The laptop emails number over 90,000 and cover a ten year period revealing what Hunter was up to over that time period. There are many cases of unscrupulous activities. One in particular involves Ukraine. In 2009 Hunter and a friend Devon Archer formed a company called Rosemont Seneca Partnership. Later Archer is on the board of directors for Ukrainian oil company Berisma. On 5-12-2014 Hunter joins the board at a salary of $1 million per year. The owner of Berisma is Mykola Zlochevsky. The US backs a revolution and Ukrainian President Yanukovych is replaced by Petro Poroshenko. Archer takes a pic with Joe Biden in the VP's office and the pic appears on the Berisma web site. Joe meets with Pozharskyi, Zlochevsky's envoy, in New York on April 2015. Ukraine officials had started to investigate Burisma and they wanted help from Joe. Burisma was accused of bribing government officials to get oil and gas permits. A new prosecutor Victor Shokin started to go after Berisma in Feb of 2015 and they were worried. Joe flies to Ukraine to address parliament on corruption and behind the scenes Zlochevsky is pressuring to get rid of Shokin. In Feb of 2016 Shokin issues warrants to size all of Zlochevsky's assets. In May of 2016 Joe phones Poroshenko and demands that Shokin be fired and a few days later he is fired and the investigation into Berisma is stopped. Hunter left his position when Joe decided to run for president. There are a number of other cases similar to this involving China and Russia.

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