Wednesday, March 9, 2022

From the past

Here is something that I wrote many years ago and I was wondering if you think it is still appropriate in today's world. This is truly the golden age. To live in America, the land of the free, and to be blessed with good health, is nothing less that heaven on earth. A person can work at a fast food store and rent a small one bedroom apartment within walking distance and live a comfortable life. The cost of rent, food, personal items and health insurance can be financed with forty hours at $5.50 per hour. A nutritious diet of high fiber beans and rice combined with day old vegetables and whole grain cereals and breads can be purchase for five dollars per day. Exercise is free for the taking when walking to work and strolling through the parks in the off hours. Beautiful music is available throughout the day on the radio and it is free. The world is open for inspection at the public library for no charge as is visiting with friends around the world in the chat rooms on the Internet at the library. There is an abundance of clean air and water. Social life is offered each day with co-workers, customers, neighbors and friends. The doors to churches are open and each has a variety of activities to offer those who are interested. Many organizations are looking for volunteers to help those who are less fortunate. Paper and pencil are handy for anyone interested in writing their thoughts in prose or poetry. For anyone who is desirous of living the good life, the door is open and they are welcome to come on it and join in the excitement. Each has a free will and can choose the life style they deem appropriate. Anyone can also choose to be influenced by the forces outside of themselves and try to gather the bangles and beads that society promises will deliver happiness but they must be aware of the pitfalls because going down this road is fraught with danger. It is a never ending process of fulfilling wants that change with each new toy that comes on the scene. It is a competition with neighbors and friends to see who can acquire the most things. The wonderful thing about the whole business of living is that we each have a choice and where we are today is the result of all the choices we have made in our life up to this point. If you are satisfied with your station just keep doing what you have been doing but if you are not perhaps you should look into changing your way of dealing with life. It probably has a lot to do with your priorities.

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