Friday, March 4, 2022

Iranian oil

The situation in Iran is enigmatic. They have been trying to make a nuke bomb since 1970. They keep saying that they will continue their uranium enrichment process until the sanctions are removed. If you google how long would it take to enrich enough uranium to build a bomb the answer is two weeks. This is just some kind of threat to get economic aid from the west but no one seems to understand this. Now the US is negotiating a plan to remove the sanctions and then buy Iranian oil. Do the Greenies understand that from an environmental stand point burning Iranian oil or Russia oil produces the same danger to the air that US oil does. In fact Russia oil is worse. Russian oil companies are illegally disposing of millions of tons of contaminated drilling waste, a practice that is wreaking environmental havoc by polluting northern rivers that drain into the Arctic Ocean, a new RFE/RL investigation has found.

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