Friday, March 18, 2022

Iran nukes

There are many things about foreign policy that are difficult to understand and none more than the US plans for Iran. The current deal is if Iran agrees to not pursue a nuclear bomb the US will remove the sanctions. Iran is using this as a bargaining chip as they could have developed a bomb years ago if that was their desire. Just like Saddam use the WMD threat to keep himself in power. It requires 50 pounds of enriched uranium and Iran has been working on this for 40 years. Iran began its centrifuge effort in the late 1980's with know-how obtained from Pakistan. As of August 2021, Iran was operating 6,000 IR-1 centrifuges with thousands more in storage. This is right from the Internet. The estimated minimum time it would take Iran's IR-1 centrifuges installed in production mode to enrich enough uranium for one weapon would be 1.7 weeks. What is really going on?

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