Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Wuhan funding

The NY Times says, There are biological laboratories inside Ukraine, and since 2005, the United States has provided backing to a number of institutions to prevent the production of biological weapons. The US had bio labs in Wuhan but did not pay for gain of function research. When funds are given to these labs it is difficult to determine how they are used.  “At a Senate hearing in May, Dr. Fauci said, ‘The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology The US gave research funds to  EcoHealth Alliance, which in turn used the money to fund gain of function research in Wuhan. This is why people don't believe what they read. Planned Parenthood receives funds from the US government but they do not use those funds for abortions but it is difficult to determine which dollars went where.

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