Saturday, March 12, 2022


The efficacy of wearing masks to prevent Covid has come under scrutiny over the past year and the New York Times concluded that the benefits of masks are not worth the cost. If the masks and other restrictions were costless their small benefits might still be worth it but of course they do have cost. Masks hamper people's ability to communicate, verbally and otherwise, Social distancing leads to the isolation and disruption that have fed so many problems over the past two years....mental health troubles, elevated blood pressure, drug overdoses, violent crime, vehicle crashes and more. The story of masks is just one more example of what happens when an issue become political. People take sides and refuse to consider other options. The current strong stance for going green is preventing the gradual move to nuclear using natural gas as an interim fuel. This is political because those pushing the green new deal are primarily interested in social change as opposed to climate change.

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