Monday, March 21, 2022


I am taking a risk and getting out of my area. The Babylon Bee is satirical site and they have been banned from twitter for saying that Admiral Rachael Levine is man of the year. This admiral whose given name was Roger transitioned to a woman in 2011. Here are some examples of their work. Horses are terrified that obese Americans will want to go horse back. George Washington refused to be crowned King as he instead wanted to be called Supreme Potentate of all Time and he hated cherry trees. As everyone knows now, a woman is a human person who wears dresses and acts really womanly and stuff. We checked with top scientists and we think that's the definition we're allowed to use without being canceled. After Trump fell victim to a satirical article in the Bee, the Bee went after him. "President Trump Declares The Babylon Bee His Most-Trusted News Source," the site's headline reads. The satirical story begins, "In the wake of his much-anticipated "Fake News Awards," President Donald Trump confirmed Friday that while most news sources are "totally fake," there is one that he trusts more than any other—The Babylon Bee." There is light-hearted satire and bitter-angry satire and in today's world bitter angry is out. Just one more way that speech is challenged. No more George Carlins.

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