Thursday, June 30, 2022


The three parts of the federal government, Executive, Legislative and Judicial, have watched a forth branch gain power over the years but that idea received a big set back by the court today, when it was ruled that the EPA cannot decide how much carbon, coal plants can emit. The bureaucracy has been growing at an alarming rate in the past 50 years and this will slow down that growth. The various government agencies are to interpret the law and not make the law. The court ruled that un-elected bureaucrats have no authority to make laws. This will also curtail law by executive order which once again usurps power from congress. The power of bureaucrats has led to a smugness that was best illustrated when they described the incoming administration as the Christmas help. They know that presidents come and go but they are always there running the show behind the scenes. It also has political implications since 80% of campaign contributions from federal unions goes to democrats. This is not surprising since republicans always promise to reduce government and democrats tend to expand government. If you are a federal employee which party do you want in control.

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