Saturday, June 25, 2022


When the country was shut down during the pandemic, fears arose that this slow down in the economy would lead to a recession so the government stepped in and sent out checks to just about everyone to the tune of $5.3 trillion dollars. Then President Biden came forth with the American Rescue Plan to send out more checks. You recall when Biden leaned into the mike and whispered, I just gave you $1.9 trillion dollars. Too much money in circulation leads to inflation because supply cannot keep up with demand and the supply chain problems further aggravated the situation. Now the Fed will raise interest rates to the point where it will likely lead to the recession the government was trying to avoid. Then Biden went to work trying to pass the $5 trillion Build Back Better plan and were it not for Senator Joe Manchin it would have passed. Lessons were learned and should allow the country to better deal with any future pandemics. Lockdowns were not effective. Here is from WebMD. Feb. 4, 2022 -- An analysis from a trio of economists says pandemic lockdowns during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic did little to reduce the number of COVID-related deaths. Masking children is not a good idea. This is from the Atlantic Magazine. Districts should rethink imposing on millions of children an intervention that provides little discernible benefit. There is also concern about the long term effects on children's development.

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