Saturday, June 25, 2022

Pelican Brief

Truth is stranger than fiction is an old adage that is sometimes true. In the past week the life of a Supreme Court Justice was threatened and I was reminded of a movie from about 30 years ago called The Pelican Brief. It was about a rich and powerful oil man who discovered new oil fields in Louisianan and was stopped from drilling by some environmentalist who were trying to protect the Brown Pelican. This billionaire had put millions into the campaign of the man who became president. The case was going to end up in the Supreme Court in about 5 years and there were two Justices who were environmental types and this would cause the billionaire to lose so he arranged to have these two Justices assassinated and had his friend, the president, appoint two new Justices who were not that interested in environmental issues. Now here I move into the world of fantasy but what if the three Justices that Trump appointed were killed and Biden would have between now and November to appoint three new Justices more to his liking. Then next term they could reinstate Roe. Talk about a constitutional crisis. This is pie in the sky thinking but strange things do happen.

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