Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Biden's problems

The Biden administration has concluded that it cannot do much about the major problems facing the country. These include immigration, inflation and crime. The solution to all of these is to return to the policies of former President Trump. Let the world know that illegals are not welcome, continue building the wall, enforce existing laws like remain in Mexico and stop shipping illegals to various cities around the county. On inflation open up all possible methods to increase oil and natural gas production while reducing regulations. On crime let it be known that Biden is the pro police president who can use the bully pulpit to encourage prosecutors to enforce the bail laws. This is just a short list. Words and phases like, can't wave a magic wand, not a mind reader and push a button will not solve any problem. After a year and a half in office it appears that the country would be better off if Biden had done nothing. The next move is a prime time TV show about the riots on January 6 and polls show that people are not interested.

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