Thursday, June 23, 2022

Crime rates

Beginning in the 1960's major crime in NY City began increasing and rose to its highest level ever in the early 1990's. At that time the government took steps to bring the crime rate down. They instituted what was called, "broken windows" policy where they began to prosecute minor crimes, things like jumping the subway gates. They started what was called, Compstat". Using computer date they found where crime was most prevalent and sent police officers into those areas. They began the program called, "stop and frisk". This is stopping people who are suspicious and checking them for weapons. They added thousands of new police officers and increase police department budgets. Under Mayor de Blasio, elected in 2014 crime began to increase and that has continued to today. Many cities are experiencing increases in major crime the answer seems to be putting criminals in jail, especially those with criminal records. This will result in a disproportional number of Blacks being jailed and the reason is that they commit a disproportional number of the crimes. Many people who believe that Blacks have suffered from past discrimination and they offer reasons, many of which are valid, why these people should not be incarcerated. Examples of this kind of thinking can be seen in California cities. The tide is turning and many say that criminals must be jailed regardless of past mistreatment. This remains an ongoing discussion.

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