Sunday, June 26, 2022

Black crime

Young Black men between the ages of 15 and 35 represent 2% of the population they are 37% of murder victims. Black males represent 6% of the population and they commit 55% of all murders and over 90% of the time it is a Black male killing another Black male. Many have suggested that this is the civil right issue of our time but it gets very little publicity. One of the more disturbing aspects of these data is that it seem to fly beneath the radar of news media. While this death and incarceration of Blacks is hard to comprehend it pales in comparison to the 233,000 Black abortions performed last year. Since 1973, the year when abortions became legal, 24 million Black women have had abortions. This is twice as many as the total number of slaves (12 million) that were brought to the US.

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