Saturday, June 25, 2022


What led up to the change in Roe. First off democratic Senator Harry Reed changed the senate rules which allowed judges to be approved with a simple majority. He did this in 2013 so he could approve a number of federal judges while he had the majority. Next Hilary lost the election to Trump, something that was not supposed to happen. In hindsight it was her failure to campaign in three states which she lost by a total of 80,000 votes. Trump not only won but the republicans took control of the house and the senate. This opened the door for Trump to appoint conservative judges using only a simple majority and fate stepped in and two judges retired during his term and one, Ginsberg, died. Thus the court is now 6 to 3 leaning right. Interesting facts. Justice Kennedy a right leaning judge retired at age 81 which allowed Trump to select his replacement. Justice Ginsberg refused to retire so that Obama could replace her and she died at age 87 when Trump was near the end of his term.

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