Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Why people will vote for or against Trump comes down to two different groups. The never Trumpers say he will bring back Jim Crow, that he will put Blacks in chains and he will end democracy while the pro Trumpers say he will secure the border, back the police, drill baby drill and end the war in Ukraine. The more logical view of what Trump will due is pretty much what he did when he was president and this leads to the old political question of are you better off now than four years ago. There is a large group of voters called Reagan democrats. These are working people who became democrats to vote for Reagan because they could relate to him. These same people voted for Obama and then for Trump. This group has slowly slipped away from the democratic party and are now the subjects of ridicule by the establishment elites, as witnessed by recent remarks from Kati Couric. These feeling about working people have been building for a number of years. It started making fun of good old country boys who drive pick up trucks with a rifle in the back window, who smoke Marlboro's and drink Miller beer and has grown into name calling like cult members and not too bright. Those with formal educations from the best schools cannot understand why anyone would vote for someone like Trump. They assume that they know what is best and these low information people are being misled by a slick talking salesman and they won't investigate other possibilities. Many of these people can be best represented by the white female college grad who lives in the suburbs and her only contact with the working class is the plumber who fixes the leak in her sink. Things like inflation, crime and illegal border crossings happen only in some far off place that she occasionally sees in the news. Life is good for this lady and she wants to keep the establishment in power. She has an advanced degree, an income of over $150,000, two children and a $500,000 house. She represents a formidable group with the acronym of A.W.F.U.L. Angry ,White, Female, Urban, Liberal. She is holding on to abortion to keep her from sliding into the Trump camp while closing her eyes to the rest of the world.

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