Tuesday, April 30, 2024


On most of the news channels they are discussing the campus protest and many are comparing things to the Vietnam protest but they only know what they read in the history books. The war protest started slow and legal but graduated to illegal culminating in Chicago during the democratic party convention. This followed the Students for Democratic Society (SDS) march on Washington in 1965. These protest went on for over five years and turned deadly when four students were shot and killed by the National Guard at Kent State University in 1970. These protesters were directly involved because of the draft. Many left the country. The big difference today is the Jewish element. I was too old but the protesters were mostly students who had the time. My friends worked full time and went to school part time so there was little time left for protesting. The protest groups were the same people who went to Woodstock. They were mostly from wealthy families. My guess is that many of today's protesters are also from well off families judging by the tuition at these schools.

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