Monday, April 8, 2024


Recent data shows that 37% of Americans have a four year college degree. Data also shows that these people will earn $1.3 million dollars more over their life time than non college grads. Data shows the 60% of these grads are White. To propose that the general public using tax dollars pay off student debt means to take from those who have less and give to those who have more. It just exacerbates the existing problem of wealth distribution. What about the many people who served the country to get the GI Bill. What about people who went to school part time and worked full time to pay for their college. What about the parents who sacrificed to pay for their children's college many by holding a second job. The current student loan debt is $1.6 trillion and the current credit card debt is $1.2 trillion. How about paying off credit card debt instead of student loan debt. In any case there is something unseemly about shifting the responsibility for debt.

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