Thursday, April 11, 2024


According to the CATO Institute, a libertarian think tank, To date, the US has committed about $114 billion in Ukraine‐​related emergency funding, equivalent to the combined 2023 budget for the Department of Homeland Security and NASA. Should Congress decide to pass additional emergency funding, Ukraine aid plus interest could top $240 billion. If this is accurate the US will be sending another $126 billion over the next two years. This comes to $840 for each working family. How many of these families would be willing to write a check today to continue this war. The argument is that if Russia is not stopped here they will be emboldened to recapture the countries of the old Soviet Union. If you agree with this argument will you be willing to send American troops along with the money to stop Putin. If not, does this mean that US money is the equivalent to Ukrainian lives. If Putin represents the threat to the world that is implied, is it logical to assume that the next step to stopping him is US troops on the ground.

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