Saturday, April 27, 2024


The recent disputes on college campuses are somewhat similar to the Black on Black crime situation. When Muslims kill Muslims as was the case in the 8 year Iran/Iraq war not much made the headlines in the US or when Muslims kill Muslims daily in the Syrian civil war things are relatively quiet but when Jews kill Muslims it is a different ball game. The reason is that people see Jews as White just like when a White person in the US kills a Black, especially if the White is a police officer. The odd thing about this is that the Muslims in Palestine are Caucasian. This is from the National Library of Medicine. The genetic profile of Palestinians has, for the first time, been studied by using human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene variability and haplotypes. The comparison with other Mediterranean populations by using neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses reveal that Palestinians are genetically very close to Jews and other Middle East populations, including Turks (Anatolians), Lebanese, Egyptians, Armenians, and Iranians. If anyone takes the time to look up pics of Palestinians and compare them to pics of Southern Europeans like those in Italy and Greece it is difficult to see a difference in color. While there are some Muslims who do not like Jews because of religion most see a people with White privilege attacking non White people. This concept has been preached on campuses for many years and has now boiled to the surface. Google pics of Palestinians

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