Thursday, April 4, 2024


At the end of WW 2, the US realizing that the Soviet Union was the new threat, decided to organize the free world against the Soviets. This was done through globalization with the US protecting the sea lanes for all countries that would join with them against the Soviets. In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed and there was no longer any need for globalization. While free trade is best for all concerned it was undermined by China. They used currency manipulation, unfair import taxes, government subsidies and intellectual property theft to take advantage of what was supposed to be free trade. The US, led by corporations, saw China as a place of cheap labor with few safety and environment regulations, where they could manufacture goods on the cheap and reap the profits here at home. The rich got richer at the expense of the low and middle income groups. The industrial jobs in the Midwest and South disappeared and millions of people were left to fend for themselves with low wages and no benefits. Trump, not being part of the establishment and not being influenced by Washington politicians and big corporations, realized what was happening and decided to make American great again by bring manufacturing jobs back home. He told the country that China needed the US more than the US needed China and that he would stop their unfair trade practices. This immediately put him at odds with the profiteers in big business and the politicians who depended on business money to get reelected. The working people gathered around Trump and he won the election. He placed import taxes on $200 billion of Chinese products and banned Huawei, China's big tech company, from the US. He placed restrictions on chip equipment shipments to China. These policies were continued under Biden and Biden added more restrictions under his America First plan. Businesses are coming home and this will result in a doubling of the US industrial base over the next few years.

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