Friday, April 19, 2024


For many years the democrats claimed to be the party of the working class but the first chink in that armor appeared with the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan. They also voted for Bush 41 and then shifted back to Clinton and Obama. Contrary to what the press says about this group they were not racist as they voted twice for Obama. Beneath the surface these blue collar people began to understand something the liberals have still not figured out. The government, especially the democrats, were pushing globalization. They promoted world government which fit nicely with big business which profited from the free trade. All the while this was going on the working people were watching their good paying manufacturing jobs go overseas and the income gap grow wider. They knew this was not right but they could not overcome the internationalist. When Trump came out with the motto of make America great again, these voters interpreted that to mean that the good jobs would be coming back and they voted for Trump and they did the same in 2020 but they were crushed by ballot harvesting. In 2024 they will once again vote for Trump but this time the republicans are also playing the ballot harvesting game. In any event the working people are now part of the republican party but the democrats still don't know why. Many democrats are now insulting the MAGA voters as they see them as ignorant people incapable of understanding the issues.

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