Wednesday, April 3, 2024


It is time for some clear headed logical thinking to take charge of the climate issue. As the US moves away from globalization toward a period where the industrial base will be growing rapidly, the electric power grid, which is already outdated, will come under additional stress. This is not the time to promote electric vehicles which people do not want. Just as the change was made from leaded gasoline to non leaded the country is ready to move from gasoline to natural gas. Instead of installing charging stations for EV's they should be installing natural gas pumps. This adds no new pressure to the grid. Next step is to promote small nuclear reactors to be placed near the use point to further reduce the stress on the grid which reduces the need for cross country high voltage lines. In time these reactors can be used to create hydrogen by electrolysis of water and the hydrogen can replace the natural gas for cars and the only bi product from burning hydrogen is water. Hydrogen can be combined with carbon dioxide, removed from the air, to synthesis diesel and jet fuels which when burned will return the carbon dioxide to the air for a carbon neutral cycle. The next step is to use small nuclear reactors to desalt sea water and grow crops in desert areas. These changes will eliminate the need for windmills and solar panels and the destruction caused to the environment by mining, processing and disposing of the materials needed to manufacture wind and solar. This will be the end of fracking and result in a carbon free environment. The only thing standing in the way of all of these developments is politics and as people learn more about these changes, the politicians will be forced to act.

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