Friday, July 25, 2014

Campaign energy

Many commentators are questioning why The President is going to fund raisers instead of concentrating on the various problems happening around the world and here at home. I feel that he is overwhelmed by the pressure and does not know how to handle it. I further feel that he loves the adulation from all the adoring fans at these events and needs that to assure himself that what he is doing is the right thing. Campaigning is his strong suit and he loves the roar of the crowd when he uses his sarcastic humor to put down those who think differently than he does. On those occasions when he talks policy he seems almost uninterested and certainly not emotionally involved but when he adlibs his little digs at the opposition and the crowd reacts with pleasure you can see the enthusiasm well up in his demeanor. He is in his element. I believe when historians write about him they will conclude that deep down he really did not like governing and felt uncomfortable in the leadership role. In the meanwhile the country is paying for electing a person with so little experience just because he could talk a good game. My democratic friends are not saying their vote was a mistake but they no longer express the same enthusiasm about the man, although after six years in the white house I would expect some drifting away.

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