Friday, July 11, 2014

Suicide bomber

Abu Dabba is a 20 year old from Pakistan fighting with the rebels in Syria. He is a dedicated Muslim and willing to give his life to the cause. He is contacted by the leaders there and given extensive training in suicide bombing. He is then sent to Mexico and crosses the border amid the rush of young people and goes to a designated safe house. Here he is provided with a suicide vest and driven to a large mall in Dallas and at the proper time he goes in and detonates the bomb. The building is partially destroyed along with the lives of 150 people and another 300 injured. Immediately terrorist web sites proclaim victory and say this is just the beginning. Americans are outraged and demand to know what happened and thus begins the blame game. The President says the congress refused to pass immigration laws which would have prevented this and the congress says The President refused to close the border. Thus we are back to where we are now awaiting the next suicide bomber. If this actually happened there would be a 20 foot wall going up along the border with a national guard member every 500 yards with orders to shoot anyone coming over the wall and that would be the end of illegals crossing the southern border.

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