Wednesday, July 9, 2014


There is a group called Global Citizens who are putting on their annual festival today in New York. I had never heard of this group until I saw a piece on the news today about them. It is a group who works on global poverty in the area of education for girls, clean water and vaccines for third world citizens. These are admirable goals and I was particularly interested because the show just before that was pointing out that the war in poverty here in this country has failed because over the past 40 plus years we have spent trillions and the poverty level is much the same as it was in 1980. This group puts on this festival to collect money for their causes but perhaps they should take a closer look at what has happened here in the US and try not to make the same mistake of thinking that spending money will solve the problem. Too often spending money is congresses way of getting rid of a problem so The President just asked for 3.7 billion to solve the current problem at the border and that reminds me of how congress a few weeks ago asked for 50 billion to solve the VA problems. Neither of these problem will be solved with money.

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