Friday, July 25, 2014

From a distance

I have never liked the term, “bleeding heart liberal” but I have wondered why many of these people think the way they do and yesterday while listening to the radio a possible answer came to me. They were playing the song, “From A Distance” and as I listened to the words I began to understand. From a distance There is harmony And it echoes through the land It's the voice of hope It's the voice of peace It's the voice of every man From a distance We all have enough And no one is in need And there are no guns, no bombs and no disease No hungry mouths to feed From a Distance We are instruments Marching in a common band Playing songs of hope Playing songs of peace They are the songs of every man From a distance You look like my friend Even though we are at war From a distance I just cannot comprehend What all this fighting is for From a distance There is harmony And it echoes through the land And it's the hope of hopes It's the love of loves It's the heart of every man It is only when you get close under the hood and get your hands dirty that you see the real world. I believe that some people are uncomfortable doing this.

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