Friday, July 18, 2014

Natural gas to Europe

The situation in Ukraine once again shows the problem with Obama always coming late to the dance. The Europeans are hesitant to join the US in placing restrictions on Russia because they are dependent on natural gas from Russia. If the US government had been emphasizing our capability to produce oil and natural gas instead of pushing things like wind and solar we would have the capacity to ship natural gas to Europe to replace their Russian sources. If the Russians knew that Europe had another source of natural gas they would be behaving in an entirely different manner. We can still do that but we are behind in getting geared up. The US needs to fire up the energy industry which would in turn fire up the economy with the added benefit of increasing our exports. Within a short time the US could be the Saudi Arabia of oil and be producing more natural gas than the rest of the world combined. China would buy up all the excess oil we could produce and that would reduce their dependence on coal which would go a long way to clean up their air. This is a win, win, win and yet The President sits on the side lines handing out money to friends in the wind and solar business. It looks like we are going to have to wait for another president before we can capitalize on the natural resources we have. The road to clean air is coal to oil to natural gas but The President does not see it that way. Private industry will take us there but with government assistance in allowing drilling on government property we would get there a lot faster.

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