Monday, July 14, 2014

Millions and billions

Labron James is going back to Cleveland and signed a two year contract for 40 million. A few years back Alex Rodriguez signed a ten year contract for 275 million and way back in the 80’s, the decade of greed, Barbara Streisand signed a 60 million dollar record deal. I mention this because these people did not start a new company that turned into thousands of jobs but I want to contrast this with a poor farm kid who spent his time in the military where he saved enough money to start a small business. He worked his way through college and grew his business which subsequently turned into Walmart. Today his family is worth 90 billion dollars and they employ 2.2 million people. It is said that the Walmart family has more money than the lowest 50 million American families and it is said in a way that makes the Walton’ s out to be greedy people. I won’t argue as to who should have how much in our free society but do some math and you will see that if we took their money and gave it to these low income families each family would get $1,900. I have made the point in the past and will continue to point out that the problem with trying to solve income inequality by taking from the rich and giving to the poor is that there are too few rich and too many poor. The way to help the poor is to create jobs. Bill Gates with his billions has created whole industries. The President pointed out that no one started a business on their own since they all used existing infrastructure as if that somehow negated what they accomplished. If that infrastructure was the big contributing factor how come we only get one Bill Gates per generation since we all have access to the same roads and bridges and power plants. What we need is a million people like Bill Gates and hope they all become billionaires.

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