Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Star wars

When President Reagan was in office he proposed something called, “Strategic Defense Initiative” which was immediately derided by the press and called with a sneer, “Star Wars”. Experts all around called the idea ridiculous and went so far as to say Reagan himself was losing his mind. At the time I had no idea how it would work but I knew enough about science not to summarily dismiss it. Since that time the US has successfully launched test rockets that destroy incoming intercontinental ballistic missals and during the Gulf War Patriot missals knocked many Scud Missals down protecting Israel. Israel is currently using a modified version to knock incoming rockets out of the sky and a dozen countries now deploy Patriot Missals as part of their defense. These missals have led to a more sophisticated approach now under study that uses just a high speed bullet to knock out missals. Don’t underestimate what science and engineering can do given the proper resources. What interest me most is there is no mention of all of those who laughed and suggested that Raegan was not playing with a full deck. The irony is that they have been assigned to the ash heap of history where they predicted Reagan would go.

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