Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The law

When Obamacare was being designed by democrats behind closed doors the question came up as to what would happen if states refused to set up programs to help people sign up and thus the plan included a provision which stated that states that do not set up such a plan for those who sign up through the federal plan would not be eligible for subsidies. The idea was that this would force states to set up such a plan so they could receive government money. The thought in the minds of these democrats was that no state would be so foolish as to turn down federal money but wrong oh. Thirty-six states chose not to set up state plans and turned down the money. After the law was passed and politician decided to read it a discovery was made that could threaten the entire law. Since the majority of those who signed up for Obamacare expected to receive subsidies and that is now in jeopardy they may decide that they cannot afford to pay for the insurance on their own. This problem was brought before the courts and one court said it is clearly written that only state plans can pay the subsidy and federal plans are not eligible. The second said that the law states that federal plans do not qualify but it is clear that the intention of the law was that both state and federal plans qualify. It is this kind of legal stuff that causes people to get turned off by the law. Does it matter what is said or what was meant to be said. We are allowed this kind of flexibility in our everyday speech but to find out it is also allowed in the written law is a surprise to most people.

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