Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Booming Syria

During the run up to the 2012 presidential election Vice-President Biden warned that if elected Romney would into Syria. He also suggested that Romney would change our position with Russia from cooperation to confrontation. It now appears that if the US had entered Syria on the side of the anti-government forces in early 2013 things would look better today. It also appears that the US should have stood up to Putin early on. The Presidents mode of operation is to wait and think things through before acting but like General Eisenhower said, most battles that are lost can be attributed to two works, “too late”. Military experts conclude that the US will not rout ISIS in Syria without ground forces and The President has ruled that out so what kind of positive outcome can come of this? There will be no victory over ISIS in Syria but there can be a victory in Iraq. With the help of US bombing and tactics along with the part of the Iraqi army that is willing to fight, the Sunni’s in Iraq who helped fight against Al-Qaida in the surge and the Kurds in the north, ISIS in Iraq can be surrounded and defeated.

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