Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Climate change march

I watched with great interest the people who were marching to promote climate change just prior to the United Nations Climate Summit. They were a mixed group coming from various parts of society with different backgrounds. Some were ordinary citizens who have been influenced by groups trying to move away from fossil fuels and most of these did not research the issue on their own but accepted what they were told. Others have a financial stake in the issue, people like former Vice-President Al Gore. Many, however, have their roots in the old cold war days. These people are the anti-Reagan, pro-Gorbachev citizens who oppose the free market system of governance. They are similar to the Occupy Wall Street people who were marching a couple of years ago. They were a product of the cold war and when the Soviet Union collapsed they migrated to the environmental cause. They were the “better red than dead” group who became the “new red is green” people. Many of them are liberals who are financially OK but who see big business as the villain that is trampling on the little people. They prefer the Marxist principle of, “from each according to his means, to each according to his needs”. They see the climate change issue as a way to bring big business in line with their way of thinking and that is putting people ahead of profit. This is an admirable goal but the new young managers in business already realize this and are moving in that direction. They see this as the right thing to do and understand that moral commitment to the community will enhance profits. The Summit is a paper tiger since China and India are not participating and the United States will lead the way to cleaner air as the movement away from coal and oil to natural gas continues and eventually the use of methane hydrate and finally to hydrogen. The pathway is clear and when those who have a vested interest in opposing capitalism get out of the way the problem will be solved.

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