Friday, September 5, 2014

ISIS and Obama

It has now been reported and confirmed that President Obama knew about ISIS last December. He was given daily reports on their progress. During that time they were crossing the desert in their Toyota trucks and had no heavy armaments, things they later captured. As they crossed the open desert they were easy targets from the air and could have been destroyed but Obama chose not to act. This lack of action gave ISIS the opportunity to attack the Iraqi Army in Mosel and capture US military equipment plus all the money that was in the banks in the city. Now The President says what can we do? The question is why didn’t we do it when we had the chance? Now it is a much more difficult problem. Even with hindsight he still seems ambivalent when it comes to taking action. He has had three news meetings this week just to finally come around to deciding that he must act but then it is still not clear. He says they are a danger to our security and promises to “degrade and ultimately destroy”. Then he follows that up by saying no boots on the ground. What if it takes boots to destroy? What is the policy?

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