Saturday, September 20, 2014


There may be a silver lining in the dark cloud of ISIS. It was reported that ISIS is paying Mexican Coyotes $25,000 to smuggle a terrorist into the United States across the Mexican border. Since this is significantly more than the $600 they get to bring children across they will likely jump at the chance. If they do this and the terrorist then blows up a mall or some other facility, the American people will demand once and for all that the border be sealed. This will be done with a double fence along with high tech surveillance and drones overhead and guards along the fence with orders to use their weapons to scare people away and if they are not scared away shoot to kill. Once this is accomplished the 12 million illegal aliens who are now here can be given a path to citizenship and a realistic immigration system can be developed, one where we encourage people with special talents to come to America. We are in dire need of scientist and engineers and we educate them by the thousands and then they must return to their countries of origin. We will instead change the law and allow them to remain here.

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