Sunday, September 7, 2014

Putin two step

When George Bush was planning the invasion of Iraq he garnered together 47 countries that were known as a coalition of the willing and it was laughed at by the press because only a few countries were going to provide boots on the ground and the rest were to supply money and equipment. This past week President Obama promised a coalition of the willing composed of 10 countries none of which will put boots on the ground and this is hailed in the press as a great achievement. New subject. Watching how Putin operates it seems our government has forgotten the old Soviet way of moving two steps forward and one step backwards. Putin takes over Crimea and then goes home. Next he facilitates unrest in Eastern Ukraine and says he will help those Russians who live there and part of the Ukraine is taken over and Putin says lets negotiate. He needed a land route to Crimea and he got it. Then he casually says that Karackistan is not really a country. Are they next? New subject. Here is an example of telling the truth but leaving out pertinent information. The Democratic report, released by Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, said that both liberal and conservative groups were mistreated, revealing no political bias by the IRS Here is the actual report. In February 2014, it was further learned that of the already-existing nonprofits that were flagged for IRS surveillance (including monitoring of the groups’ activities, websites, and any other publicly available information), 83% were conservative. And, of the groups that the IRS selected for audit, 100% were conservative.

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