Thursday, September 4, 2014


When WW 1 ended, the so called war to end all wars, the American people were tired of war and wanted nothing to do with war. Fifteen years later Hitler began his move to bring glory back to the defeated Germany. He first annexed The Rhineland and then Austria. Then he recaptured a part of Czechoslovakia known as Sudetenland and then all of Czechoslovakia. Meanwhile polls in America showed that the people had no interest in getting involved in another war in Europe. To FDR’s credit he tried to get America to come to the aid of Europe but the people were war weary and refused. FDR was able to send aid to Europe but it was only when Pearl Harbor was attacked and Germany declared war on the United States that the people woke up. Here we are today watching Putin trying to bring back glory to a defeated Soviet Union as he moves against The Ukraine and the American people are war weary and polls show they have no interest in going to war in Europe. Our President echoes the cry of the people saying no American boots on the ground. He and the people have hope that things will change, our old friend hope and change has returned. President Obama began is term in office with a tour overseas where he tried appeasement by declaring the mistakes that America made in the past and promoted the idea that if we treat others with respect they will respond in kind. I didn’t vote for him because of his lack of experience and my concerns were confirmed with his plea of can’t we all just get along. Europe was thrilled and gave him the Nobel Peace Prize. He gave in to Putin and decided not to put missiles in Poland and set about ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He said Russia was just a second rate power and ISIS was a JV team. The President seems overwhelmed and doesn’t have people around him who can offer him strength and guidance and therefore he seems reluctant to make decisions and prefers to play defense instead of going on offense. This is a formula for future problems that will be more difficult to deal with and perhaps even passed on to the next president.

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