Saturday, October 5, 2024

Deep state

Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex but there is more to it than that. Wall Street joins with the State Department, big corporations partner with the Defense Department and Homeland Security lines up with Silicon Valley. The revolving door between retired generals and big corporations is the oil in the bureaucratic machine that keeps the whole group working in tandem. The Treasury Department is the fast road to Wall Street big money jobs. Homeland Security is the path to Silicon Valley employment. Recent revelations show how former government officials held high positions in Twitter. This whole buddy system is not ideological, that is liberal or conservative, it is based on money and influence. It is the deep state. This is not a conspiracy that is hidden, it is alive and well and in plain site. They are not concerned since there are six companies that own the news media which is a just another part of the group. This whole kabal was not the result of some master plan but rather a slow development over the past 50 years. It is the way big companies grow if left unchecked. Those involved suffer from group think without realizing they have been co opted. This group has no concern about working people. They pushed ahead with globalization which sent the factory jobs overseas and led to areas like the rust belt while the wealth gap grew ever larger. Elected officials continue to believe that they are running the country when in fact they are just cogs in the wheel of this giant bureaucracy. The country starting about 10 years ago began to wake up and the first step was to challenge the global economy. It seems providential that at just this time Russia is blowing itself up and China is running out of people, opening the door for citizens of North America to begin the long process of returning power to the people.

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