Monday, October 7, 2024


When discussing climate change there are some basics that most agree upon. First that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing. Second there is a limited supply of fossil fuels. Third wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels without poisoning the ground water. Forth the need for energy will keep increasing. This leads to the use of nuclear power to save the day but who opposes that. The fossil fuel industry for one and the wind and solar industry for another. As long as these two entities control the dialog the longer nuclear will stay in the background. It is up to the scientist to awaken the people to the fact that future energy supplies are threatened and nuclear power is the only answer. This will eventually happen but will it be too late to prevent a serious curtailment of the economy before people wake up. The government has had some support for nuclear energy going back to Eisenhower who started the Atoms For Peace program. From 1966 to 1977 seventy five nuclear power plants with 90 reactors were built but only one since then. President Clinton proclaimed the all of the above energy policy but nuclear got little attention. Cheap oil and loud voices in the green new deal are keeping nuclear from developing.

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