Friday, March 16, 2012


I found it very interesting that you see Europe as going the way of the US and I see the US going the way of Europe. I believe I have given you an incomplete picture of how I see the US. First off, I believe that the occupy wall-street people have a right to protest and I believe in much of what they stand for. I do not think they should turn to violence. The American free enterprise system is under attack from corruption. There is nothing wrong with getting rich but when the rules are bent to favor one group over another that is wrong. When wealthy and powerful people use private information to make money in the market that is wrong. When the board of directors gives a large salary to the CEO because they are friends that is wrong. When elected officials leave office and then make money by influencing their former colleagues that is wrong.
People from the protestors on one side and the tea party on the other side are fed up with this corruption. We have to elect new officials every two years if necessary and keep going this until they get the point.
I am willing to bet right now that if Obama is re-elected the gap between the rich and the poor will continue to increase. The whole system is set up that way. Until people finally get so disgusted that they are willing to through the bums out this will continue. Our real power is in the voting booth and we must learn to use it. Perhaps the occupy group is the beginning of change. We will see.

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