Thursday, March 22, 2012

Obama care

Big surprise! The GAO (government accounting office) announced today that Obama Care would cost twice the original estimate. How could this happen? Recall that the original cost was based on the ten years between 2010 and 2020, but 95% of the program was not scheduled to begin until 2014. So now as we near that starting point the projection is between 2014 and 2024 and the ten year cost went from 900 billion to 1.8 trillion or twice as much. This kind of accounting gives the impression that the government thinks we are stupid. I can understand why the government might think that since they came out and said they were going to insure 31 million new people and it wouldn’t cost anything. I don’t know about you but I feel insulted. Wake up America!
New subject but still about health care. Because of how nice it sounds people feel that preventive medicine will save money but every study shows this not to be the case. While prevention is admirable, it is not cost effective. The reason is obvious when you think it through. Many people must be tested to find a positive and cost/benefit ratios become unsustainable. Please don’t ask how you can place a price on human life as this is done on a regular basis. We have limited resources and it is wise to spend where the return is the greatest and, as I said, studies show that preventive testing does not give an acceptable return on investment. The best prevention is not through the medical profession but by individuals who follow a healthy life style and we all know what that means. Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, get proper rest, be moderate in the use of stimulants and watch your weight.
Dr. John

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