Friday, March 16, 2012

Liberal vs conservative

Something is currently underway that illustrates the basic difference between the liberal and conservative approach to problem solving. We are all aware of the mortgage crisis and the question is what can be done about it. President Obama has come up with a plan to ease the pressure on home owners by allowing them to refinance at lower rates regardless of their credit or debt. The President admits that the first three attempts at solving this problem did not help and may have made things worse by prolonging the pain. Conservatives say that is exactly what happened. They say the down and dirty way to resolve this situation is to allow the market to bottom. At that time the demand for homes will start to climb as will the prices of homes. This is very difficult for those who lose their homes.
This is similar to the way President Reagan handled the great recession of the 80”s. He told Paul Volker to clamp down on credit to kill inflation and there followed two very tough years but then the economy took off and GDP quickly rose to 9%. President Obama’s approach has been to ease the pain by various government programs and the result after three years is suspect with last year’s GDP at 1.8%.
These are examples that show how these two groups see the responsibilities of government. Obama feels that the government can solve the problem and Reagan said the government was the problem.

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