Sunday, January 6, 2019

Back to work

Last month 400,000 people came back into the work force. Where did they come from? There are currently 7 million able bodied men between the ages of 25 and 54 who are not working. These are mostly men who have limited formal education who have found a way to live without working. This can mean many things. Help from relatives and friends along with government benefits or perhaps working for cash. This group of men has been increasing gradually over the past 30 years and results from many low paying jobs being shipped out of the country. These men are part of a larger group of people who are promised every four years by the latest presidential candidate that things will get better if you elect me. These people represent a large portion of Trump voters who finally got fed up with all the false promises. They are the hillbillies and rubes that many call the low information voters and yesterday some columnist referred to as the ten teeth people. If these new workers earn $20,000 per year that will add $8 billion dollars to the GDP plus it will give these workers the dignity they deserve.

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