Monday, January 21, 2019


An early look at the democratic candidates for president reveals many different personalities with much the same agenda. First and foremost they want to increase taxes on the rich and increase government programs. Elected officials who want to increase taxes rarely want to increase their taxes. Some of the more popular are free college tuition, solar and wind, job guarantees with livable wage, health care reform and paid child care. The overall theme for everyone will be to bring the country together. Since the differences will not be great the voters will fall back on the old reliable "likeability". One of the qualities needed is administrative experience either in government balancing a budget or in business meeting a payroll. This eliminates the 10 candidates who are senators, the six who are representative but opens the door for the 6 who are governors and the four are mayors. There are also former government employees who ran departments like Kerry and Clinton at State and Castro at HUD and don't forget Biden. Also CEO's like Schultz, Rubin and Styer and of course the very popular Ophra.

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